SOS Hondoq - Media Releases

Monday, March 05, 2012

Qala Creek developers apply to use government land

Moviment Harsien Hondoq, FAA, Ramblers, Nature Trust, Wirt Ghawdex,   FoE Malta, Din l-Art Helwa and GUG request that the public be informed as to whether any requests for transfer of land at Hondoq Bay have been received by the Lands Department. 

Hondoq ir-Rummien’s chequered planning history began with the 1969 Government expropriation of Hondoq Quarry including the site of the Reverse Osmosis plant, in order to provide stone for the Mgarr breakwater.

In 1988, Gozo Prestige Holidays entered into a 'promise of sale' with the previous owners, the Augustinian Brothers, depending on full development permits being acquired. The same year Qala Local Council also applied to convert the area into a National Park, but the high permit fees required by MEPA meant it was not feasible to continue at the time.

In June 2002, the land was returned to the Augustinian Brothers, excluding the site of the reverse osmosis plant. In July the developers put in an application for the Qala Creek Project, despite the area's ODZ status, and the fact that the proposal violated the draft Local Plan published in June 2002, agreed upon by Qala Local Council and MEPA. This stated: “The preferred use is to reclaim the area either for agricultural use or afforestation.”

The slightly modified Qala Creek development project was again presented to MEPA in January 2006, but was still contrary to the draft Local Plan and ODZ status. However, these issues were 'resolved' when the final Local Plan was published in August 2006. This had been changed without the knowledge or approval of Qala Local Council or the public, and now stated: “The preferred use is to sensitively develop the area. Tourism and marine related development may be considered by MEPA“.

MEPA’s Environment Protection Directorate (EPD) took 3 years to get a non-biased EIS of acceptable quality from the developers, until finally abarely certifiable version” was received. Subsequently the EPD recommended the project's refusal in mid-2011.

Before the MEPA Board could give its final decision on the project, the developers withdrew the original proposal, and suggested a new one in late 2011, replacing the marina with a swimming lagoon, despite the developers previously insistence that the marina was essential to the project’s success.

This proposal went beyond the footprint of the original application, hence MEPA requested that the developers submit a totally new application. The developers appealed against this, and the process is still ongoing.

The additional footprint is the land with the reverse osmosis plant, which is still Government-owned. The developers want to demolish the plant and build the public car park there. By doing this, they gain extra space within the original project area.

In accordance with the Development Planning Act, the Hondoq Creek developers notified the Land Department of their intentions.

Moviment Harsien Hondoq, FAA, Ramblers, Nature Trust, Wirt Ghawdex, FoE Malta, Din l-Art Helwa and GUG request an urgent public reply by the Lands Dept. as to whether any requests for the transfer of this land have been received by them and ask the authorities to state clearly their stand on this transfer of land and on the proposed development on it.

The Associations feel very strongly about this site being handed over for speculative purposes.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Press Release re Transport Malta's recommendations

Moviment Harsien Hondoq together with Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar,   Ramblers Association, Nature Trust, Din L-Art Helwa, FOE Malta, Wirt Ghawdex, Greenhouse Malta and Ghaqda Universita Ghawdxin  welcome Transport Malta’s recent recommendation that MEPA should refuse the proposed alternative route to service the application for the building of a yacht marina, hotel and 250 flats and villas at Hondoq ir-Rummien.  Common sense has prevailed.

It is indeed heartening to note that just as the Environment Directorate found the EIA biased in favour of the project,  Transport Malta also concluded that there are serious shortcomings in the Traffic Impact Statement.

Firstly the traffic count was flawed by way of the location where it was carried out, far out of the Qala village core: in reality the project will generate unacceptable additional traffic in the centre of Qala.

Secondly, the proposed traffic scheme for the project was not adequate. This is obvious considering that the objective of TM is "to provide an effective regulatory framework for land transport with road safety as a top priority, whilst at the same time promoting socio-economic development and protection of the environment."

Moviment Harsien Hondoq and the eNGOs find it hard to imagine that the MEPA Board would ignore the expert advice of these two authorities, specialists in their respective fields, both of whom have recommended a refusal of this project.

The NGOs wish to thank the encouraging numbers who have been supporting the Hondoq cause and also signed up the petition.  They ask those who have not  yet signed it, to do so without delay at:  in order to express themsleves in favour of Gozo’s natural environment.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

GUG: Against the Hondoq Reform –Preserving our identity

Hondoq ir-Rummien is one of the most beautiful places in Gozo that has, until now, remained untouched. The sea in Hondoq is one of the cleanest and clearest in Malta and Gozo and it has been attracting many locals, tourists and divers from all over the world. The Hondoq project which entails the construction of a yacht marina, hotels, villas, flats and bungalows is threatening this serene place. Should MEPA let this proceed? 

GUG (Grupp Universitarji Ghawdxin), a youth organisation of Gozitan students have been long wishing to express their concern regarding the Hondoq reconstruction project. The implications that such a project could result in are numerous and will cause serious environmental damage. Damage is not only done to the seabed, disturbing the surrounding eco system, but also affects the pure air that prevails in Hondoq. Apart from this, the construction of a yacht marina, hotels, villas, flats and bungalows will lead to drastic environmental damage as well as an increase in pollution and exhaust.  Needless to say, Hondoq is also known as a popular place for divers coming from all parts of the world. Apart from the lack of divers that will be frequenting Hondoq, we will find a worrying reduction in the amount and variety of flora and fauna that may even become extinct. According to “Hondoq reef is an easy and shallow reef which houses many morays and octopus in its cracks … currents, surge and access methods have made it a perfect dive site for starting divers”.  It doesn’t need a lot of thought to come up with the result of such a drastic change. Gozo will lose one of its most sought after, charming beaches. Once it is lost there is no turning back.

We believe that we should consider all the possible drawbacks that will arise from such an extremely daring development.  There is a lot that can be done without going to such extremes. NGO’s enhanced this point by mentioning: through improving the site by clearing the accumulated quarry debris, distillation plant and coastal debris, and regenerating the former habitats through afforestation, recreation of the valley and improvement of the beach recreation facilities. (August 3rd, 2011)

Many of the Qala residents and even Gozitans from other villages are very fond of this beautiful beach that has for many years remained untouched.    Gozitan students strongly believe that we must preserve our environment and our local heritage, which makes part of our identity.  Sustainability is an important concept that has been brought up many times in the media and at school but in reality it’s lacking in practice. Before we take such a big step, we must first implement this idea of sustainability and clearly examine all implications it entails. We must consistently keep at heart the environment around us and what makes us who we are and different from the rest. 

GUG: Kontra r-Riforma ta’ Ħondoq – Nippreservaw l-identita’ tagħna

Il-GUG (Grupp Universitarji Għawdxin) oriġina fis-snin tmenin u fl-1987 ġie stabilit bħala organizzazzjoni għall-istudenti. Mill-bidu tiegħu, l-GUG ikkommetta ruħu li jirrappreżenta u jippromwovi l-interessi ta’ l-istudenti Għawdxi waqt il-ħajja universitarja tagħhom u jgħinhom f’dak kollu li ikollhom bżonn. Dan il-grupp jippromwovi t-titjib tal-istandard akkademiku u l-kwalita’ ta’ ħajja tal-istudenti Għawdxin kif ukoll jorganizza attivitajiet li jkunu jinteressaw lil dawn l-istudenti.

Ħondoq ir-Rummien huwa wieħed mill-isbaħ postijiet li toffri l-gżira Għawdxija, li sa issa, kien għadu mhux mittiefes. Il-baħar ta’ Ħondoq hu wieħed mill-aktar nodfa u mill-aktar ċari li hawn fil-gżejjer Maltin u jiġbed lejh ħafna Għawdxin, turisti kif ukoll għaddasa mill-erba’ kantunieri tad-dinja. Il-proġett ta’ Ħondoq li jinvolvi l-bini ta’ yacht marina, lukandi, vilel, appartamenti u bungalows, qed jhedded dan il-post trankwil. Għandha l-MEPA tagħlaq għajnejha u tħalli dan il-proġett ikompli?

Il-GUG ilhom jixtiequ li jesprimu t-tħassib tagħhom dwar dan il-proġett ta’ rikonstruzzjoni ta’ Ħondoq. Dan il-proġett jista’ iwassal għal diversi implikazzjonijiet li jikkawżaw ħsarat ambjentali serji. Il-ħsarat mhux biss isiru lil qiegħ il-baħar, li jwassal għal tfixkil fl-eco system tal-madwar, pero jaffettwa ukoll l-arja pura li teżisti f’Ħondoq. Apparti min din, il-konstruzzjoni ta’ yacht marina, lukandi, vilel, appartamenti u bungalows iwassal ukoll għall-ħsarat ambjentali drastiċi kif ukoll żieda fit-tniġġis u fl-exhaust. M’hemmx għalfejn ngħidu li Ħondoq huwa popolari ħafna mal-għaddasa li jiġu mid-dinja kollha. Apparti min-nuqqas ta’ għaddasa li jibdew jiffrekwentaw lil Ħondoq, se ikun hemm ukoll tnaqqis inkwetanti fl-ammont u fil-varjeta’ ta’ flora u fawna li jistgħu iwasslu biex jiġu estinti. Skond “Is-sikek f’Ħondoq huma baxxi u faċli u jospitaw ġewwa fihom diversi murini u qarnit fix-xquq tagħhom … il-kurrenti u l-metodi ta’ aċċess jagħmluha sit perfett għall-għaddasa li għadhom qegħdin jibdew.” Ma tantx hemm bżonn ħsieb biex tasal għar-riżultat ta’ din il-bidla drastika. Għawdex se jitlef waħda mill-aktar bajja li hija imfittxija. La darba din tintilef, ma nistgħux nerġgħu induru lura. Kull ma jkun baqa’ huwa poplu li jixtieq li dan il-proġett qatt ma sar, poplu li jixxennaq għal dak li kellna qabel u li jaf li Ħondoq ma jista' qatt ikun l-istess kif kien qabel.

Aħna nemmnu li għandhom jiġu ikkunsidrati l-iżvantaġġi kollha possibli li jistgħu jinqalgħu minn dan l-iżvilupp. Jistgħu isiru diversi affarijiet mingħajr ma mmorru f’dawn l-estremitajiet. L-NGOs isaħħu dan il-punt billi jsemmu: permezz ta’ titjib fis-sit billi inaddfu l-fdalijiet akkumulati ġewwa l-barrieri, impjant ta’ distillazzjoni u fdalijiet mal-kosta, u jiġġeneraw l-abitat ta’ qabel billi iħawwlu siġar, bini mill-ġdid tal-wied u titjib tal-faċilitajiet tal-rikreazzjoni tal-bajja. (Awwissu 3, 2011).

Ħafna mir-residenti tal-Qala u anke Għawdxin minn irħula oħra għandhom għal qalbhom din il-bajja li għal ħafna snin baqgħet mhux mittiefsa. L-istudenti Għawdxin jemmnu li għandna nippreservaw l-ambjent u l-wirt lokali tagħna, li jagħmlu parti mill-identita’ tagħna. Is-sostenibbilta’ huwa kunċett important li ġie imsemmi ħafna drabi kemm fil-media kif ukoll fl-iskejjel imma fir-realta’ huwa nieqes fil-prattika. Qabel ma nieħdu dan il-pass kbir, irridu l-ewwel nimplimentaw din l-idea ta’ sostenibilita’ u b’mod ċar neżaminaw l-implikazzjonijiet kollha li tinvolvi. Irridu nżommu f’moħħna l-ambjent ta’ madwarna u dak li jagħmilna dak li aħna u differenti mill-bqija tad-dinja. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Press Release in regards new plans excluding the marina

In the face of an overwhelming outcry against the proposed Hondoq project to develop a large hotel and hundreds of real estate units around a yacht marina, the developers of Qala Creek have decided to drop the idea of the marina at Hondoq Bay, limiting themselves to a ‘swimming lagoon’.

The NGOs Moviment Harsien Hondoq, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers Association, FOE Malta, Nature Trust, GUG, Din l-art helwa and Wirt Ghawdex have studied the 2009 EIS Co-ordinated Report where the developers themselves state “the project would struggle if it had to be developed as a stand-alone hotel”. They say that the project is expected to double the 5-star room capacity in Gozo, despite the current demand for five-star hotel properties in Gozo being weak.

The developers stressed the point that increased room capacity (oversupply) is of major concern to the market, and to be successful the hotel needs to be part of an integrated project with features that differentiate it from other hotels, i.e. the marina, thus “the hotel will depend on demand generated by other parts of the project”.

Interestingly, when discussing revenue projections, the 2007 version of the report stated: “The hotel on its own is not commercially viable. It can only succeed and be sustainable if it forms part of a much larger complex which will attract interest by potential patrons to reside at the hotel. The marina development could act as such an attraction.”

In the 2009 version this was modified to: “The hotel will be successful and sustainable if it forms part of a much larger complex which will attract interest by potential patrons to reside at the hotel. The marina development could act as such an attraction.”

The wording has changed, but the meaning has not. In 2009 the developers themselves did not consider the hotel was viable without the marina, therefore the NGOs fail to understand how the developers can now eliminate the marina and claim that the complex would remain financially viable, as required by the Environment Impact Assessment.

This eleventh-hour submission of new plans shows that the developers are intent on pushing through this venture in complete disregard of the social and environmental impacts of the project, ignoring the fact that the local community and also general public opinion has expressed itself against the project.

The environmental NGOs therefore urge MEPA to refuse such a project and to revert the land to its original designation as a nature park. The Qala Local Council has already looked into the various aspects of creating an environment and heritage park, a project that would draw much-needed tourists to Gozo, and support existing hotels and catering establishments.

Finally we urge readers to let MEPA know what they think of this project by signing the petition below


Press Release dwar l-pjanti l-godda li nehhew l-jott marina

Wara l-oppożizzjoni qawwija kontra l-iżvilupp propost għal Ħondoq ir-Rummien li kien jikkonsisti f'lukanda ta' 5 stilel kif ukoll numru ta' vilel u appartamenti madwar yacht marina, l-iżviluppaturi ta' dan il-proġett qatgħuha li jerġgħu jippreżentaw pjanti ġodda li fihom ineħħu l-yacht marina u minflokha jagħmlu "swimming lagoon".

L-NGOs Moviment Ħarsien Ħondoq, Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, FOE Malta, Ramblers Association, NatureTrust, GUG, Din L-Art Ħelwa u Wirt Ghawdex studjaw ir-rapport tal-EIS tal-2009 li fih l-iżviluppaturi jiddikjaraw hekk: "the project would struggle if it had to be developed as a stand-alone hotel". Huma jgħidu wkoll li dan il-proġett kien sa jirdoppja l-kmamar fil-lukandi ta' 5 stilel, minkejja l-fatt li bħalissa d-domanda għal kmamar f'lukandi ta' dan it-tip hija dgħajfa wisq.

L-iżviluppaturi jisħqu li huwa ta' tħassib li jkollok kmamar żejda iktar mid-domanda u għalhekk biex lukanda jkollha suċċess trid tagħmel parti integrali minn proġett imdawwar bi bżonnijiet bħal yacht marina, restaurants eċċ li jagħmluha differenti minn lukandi oħra: " the hotel will depend on demand generated by other parts of the project".

Interessanti l-fatt li meta jiġi biex jiddiskuti d-dħul finanzjarju minn dal-proġett, ir-rapport tal-2007 jgħid: " The hotel on its own is not commercially viable. It can only succeed and be sustainable if it forms part of a much larger complex which will attract interest by potential patrons to reside at the hotel. The marina development could act as such an attraction".

Mill-banda l-oħra fir-rapport tat-2009 din ġiet mibdula hekk: "The hotel will be successful and sustainable if it forms part of a much larger complex which will attract interest by potential patrons to reside at the hotel. The Marina development could act as such an attraction". Minn hawn jidher ċar li l-kliem ġie mibdul iżda t-tifsira baqgħet l-istess. Fl-2009 l-iżviluppaturi nfushom ma qisux il-lukanda vijabbli mingħajr il-marina. Għalhekk l-NGOs ma tistax tgħaddilhom minn moħħhom kif issa l-iżviluppaturi sa jeliminaw il-marina u xorta jsostnu li l-kumpless jibqa' sostenibbli finanzjarjament kif miktub fl-Environment Impact Assessment. Il-ħruġ ta' pjanti ġodda juri biċ-ċar li l-iżviluppaturi għandhom f'moħħhom li jkomplu jagħfsu fuq dan ir-riskju kummerċjali mingħajr ma jagħtu kas tal-impatt soċjali li se jħalli dan il-proġett, minkejja l-fatt li kemm il-kommunita tal-Qala kif ukoll il-pubbliku in ġenerali wrew bil-qawwa kollha li huma kontra dan il-proġett.

Għaldaqstant l-NGOs ambjentalisti jitolbu lill-MEPA biex tirrifjuta dan il-proġett u treġġgħu lura għall-pjan oriġinali ta' 'nature park'. Il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala diġa ra l-aspetti kollha kif għandu jkun park naturali. Dan il-proġett għandu jiġbed lejh dawk it-turisti li tant għandu bżonn Għawdex. B'hekk ikun ta' għajnuna għal-lukandi u għall-istabilimenti ta' l-ikel.

Fl-ahharnett inheggu lill-qarrejja sabiex juru lill-MEPA x`jahsbu dwar dan il-projett billi jidhlu f`dan is-sit elettroniku

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hondoq Press Release re Transport Malta

Moviment Harsien Hondoq together with Qala Local Council, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers Association, Nature Trust, Din L-Art Helwa, FOE Malta, Wirt Ghawdex, Greenhouse Malta, Ghaqda Universita Ghawdxin and Youth for the Environment welcome Transport Malta’s recent recommendation that MEPA should refuse the proposed alternative route to service the application for the building of a yacht marina, hotel and 250 flats and villas at Hondoq ir-Rummien. Common sense has prevailed.

It is indeed heartening to note that just as the Environment Directorate found the EIA biased in favour of the project, Transport Malta also concluded that there are serious shortcomings in the Traffic Impact Statement.

Firstly the traffic count was flawed by way of the location where it was carried out, far out of the Qala village core: in reality the project will generate unacceptable additional traffic in the centre of Qala.

Secondly the proposed traffic scheme for the project was not adequate. This is obvious considering that the objective of TM is to provide an effective regulatory framework for land transport with road safety as a top priority, whilst at the same time promoting socio-economic development and protection of the environment.”

Moviment Harsien Hondoq and the eNGOs find it hard to imagine that the MEPA Board would ignore the expert advice of these two authorities, specialists in their respective fields, both of whom have recommended a refusal of this project.

The NGOs wish to thank the encouraging numbers who have been supporting the Hondoq cause and also signed up the petition. They ask those who have not yet signed it, to do so without delay at: in order to express themsleves in favour of Gozo’s natural environment.

Moviment Harsien Hondoq

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our aim was, is, and will be, to have Hondoq enjoyed by everyone - Save Hondoq

Moviment Harsien Hondoq (The Save Hondoq Movement) welcomes with satisfaction the grant of ten thousand Euros allotted to the Qala Local Council, from the central government for the analytical and technical study of the proposed project of Hondoq ir-Rummien in regards to the environmental impact. This shows that the government is conscious of the negative impact such a project will leave on the area.

This grant was acquired through the work of the Qala Local Council, with the continuous insistence of Moviment Harsien Hondoq, Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) and various environmental NGO’s.

The movement doesn’t understand how, with a pen`s stroke, without any consultation, the local plan for the Hondoq area was changed from an Outside Development Zone (ODZ) to a development zone. The concerned authority is being asked to revise the decision that was taken in 2006 and give Hondoq the status it once had.

The movement’s aim was, is, and will be, to have Hondoq enjoyed by everyone.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The protests against the project at Hondoq ir-Rummien are justified and deserve backing - Dr. Alfred Sant.

The protests which are being held against he project comprising villas, luxury apartments, a hotel and a yacht marina at Hondoq ir-Rummien,Qala, Gozo, not only are justified, but they deserve the backing of all the Maltese and Gozitan people. This was said, this morning, by the Leader of the Labour Party Dr. Alfred Sant, in a press conference ont he spot, where the project is being proposed, and after, moments before, he met a number of residents and families from the village of Qala, Gozo.

Dr. Sant said that the Nationalist government is proposing a project of villas, luxury apartments, a hotel and a yacht marina at Hondoq ir-Rummien. The Leader of the Malta Labour Party saidm that from the meetings he had with the residents of Qala, it emerges out that the complaints that are being held against this project are justified, valid and strong complaints.

A visit on the spot where this project is being proposed, said Dr. Sant, clearly confirms that this project should not be accomplished becasue it amounts into a harsh speculation of the area which is one of the most beautiful in Malta and Gozo. This place abounds in a large potentiality for tourism and offers rest and a better life for all the Gozitans, Maltese and tourists.

Thus, emphasised Dr. Sant, the project which is being proposed amounts into an exploitation of a priceless land and a speculation on its value, when the villas and the apartments are built. The aim of this project is nothing more than this land be used so that certain people make large amounts of money.

Dr. Sant said the development being proposed at Hondoq ir-Rummien neither is the development Qala and Gozo need, nor the way to generate work. The leader of the Malta Labour party said that it is not true that the project as it is being proposed leads for long sustainable jobs in Gozo.

Amongst the Qala residents with whom the Leader of the Malta Labour party met before the press conference, was Paul Buttigieg, an activist against the project of Hondoq ir-Rummien and Fr. Lawrence Theuma. Both of them explained in detail, to Dr. Sant their objections versus the project. Foreign residents residing in Qala were also present at the press conference.

On behalf of the malta Labour Party, for the press conference, were present the Deputy leader Dr. Michael Falzon, the Secretary General Jason Micallef, the Gozitan M. P. s Anton Refalo and Justyne Caruana, the spokesperson for the ambient Roderick Galdes, the Qala Labour councillers Anthony Camilleri and Ivan Falzon, the Labour candidate Joe Cordina and officials of the Labour District Committee for Gozo.